On this page you’ll find links to videos and other multimedia resources that might be useful in teaching courses on designing ethical systems, or courses on ethics that have a behavioral science component.
Ethical Systems YouTube Channel
Here you will find clips relevant to the various research areas of the Ethical Systems website, as well as original content such as our #EthSys Insights video series.
Full-Length Movies
- The Corporation (2003). Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance.
- Crash (2004). Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption.
- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005). A documentary about the Enron corporation, its faulty and corrupt business practices, and how they led to its fall.
- Food, Inc. (2008). An unflattering look inside America’s corporate controlled food industry.
- The Informant! (2009). The U.S. government decides to go after an agro-business giant with a price-fixing accusation, based on the evidence submitted by their star witness, vice president-turned-informant Mark Whitacre.
- Inside Job (2010). A closer look at what brought about the financial meltdown.
- Margin Call (2011). Follows the key people at an investment bank, over a 24-hour period, during the early stages of the financial crisis.
- Too Big To Fail (2011). Chronicles the financial meltdown of 2008 and centers on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
- The Social Network (2010). Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook, but is later sued by two brothers who claimed he stole their idea, and the cofounder who was later squeezed out of the business.
- Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005). A look at the impact of the retail giant on local communities.
- The Whistleblower (2010). A drama based on the experiences of Kathryn Bolkovac, a Nebraska cop who served as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia and outed the U.N. for covering up a sex scandal.
- The Naked Brand (2012). A documentary about the changing power dynamic for consumers in our global marketplace, where Corruption can be made more transparent, where “4oing well is the result of doing good,” and where Ethics Pays all the more.
Video Clips
- Ethics Unwrapped. A video series on behavioral ethics from the University of Texas.
- John Antonakis and colleagues on power, corruption and testosterone.
MOOCs and Academic Lectures which may be useful
- Ed Freeman at UVA-Darden taught a MOOM on Coursera, titled New Models of Business and Society. His lectures do not take a behavioral science perspective, but many of them would be useful early in a course, to help students escape from the shareholder view of business and then share in Freeman’s enthusiasm for the many positive roles businesses now play in society. Here’s a blog post where he explains the MOOC, with a link to the classes.
- Guido Palazzo will teach a Coursera course on Unethical Decision Making in Organizations, beginning Sept. 2014.
Other notes:
- Here’s how the U. of Nebraska-Lincoln uses movies to teach business ethics
- Here’s a blog post from Chris MacDonald on his five favorite movies to use when teaching business ethics.