Tag Archive for: Research

Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 5/5/14-5/11/14
BlogEthical behavior is just smart business, in The Boston Globe
When we talk about ethics, we sometimes focus on the moral implications of a particular role in business. One role that is often overlooked is that of the customer. This…

Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 4/28/14-5/4/14
BlogIs Ethics Winning in Business? Chart Points to That Trend, in The Wall Street Journal
The Dow Jones Risk & Compliance annual anti-corruption survey indicates a decrease in the number of companies reporting they lost business to an…

Behavioral ethics and compliance: what the board of directors should ask
Blog[This essay was originally posted on the Conflict of Interest Blog.]
In “Behavioral Ethics: Can It Help Lawyers (and Others) Be Their Best Selves?” – a preliminary draft of a paper which has been accepted for publication by the Notre…

Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 4/14/14-4/27/14
BlogToday we have a roundup of articles from the past two weeks:
Making Use of Non-Financial Disclosures, in The Wall Street Journal
A recent survey found that 9 out of 10 investment professionals said non-financial disclosures (e.g.,…

Raising a Moral Company
BlogEthical Systems contributor Adam Grant wrote in the New York Times last week about how to raise a moral child. Drawing insights from several psychological studies, he came away with three primary suggestions:
Praise good character,…

Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 4/7/14-4/13/14
BlogThe Morning Risk Report: What is Corruption? in The Wall Street Journal
In his ruling in a major Supreme Court decision issued two weeks ago, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the only form of corruption under the law is outright…

Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 3/31/14-4/6/14
BlogThe Morning Risk Report: Investment Experts Can’t Spot Liars, And Worse, Think They Can, in The Wall Street Journal
A recent study on lies in the financial industry found that although investment professionals "are just a little better…

Distance, Dehumanization, and Ethical Disengagement
BlogBeing mindful of the variety of ways we humans misunderstand each other is instrumental in promoting ethical systems. Salon.com recently featured an article titled The Psychology of Hate: How We Deny Human Beings Their Humanity from Ethical…

Meet “Homo Duplex” – a new ethics super-hero?
Blog[This essay was originally posted on The Conflict of Interest Blog.]
In “Behavioral Ethics for Homo Economicus, Homo Heuristicus and Homo Duplex” – which is published in the March 2004 issue of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision…

Exemplary Ethical Recoveries
Blog[This essay was originally posted on The Conflict of Interest Blog.]
F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said, “There are no second acts in American lives,” but in the C&E world the second act may count for more than the first – for better…