Tag Archive for: Research

Navigating Ethical Systems: How professional accountants can drive ethical behaviour
Accounting, Blog, Ethics Pays, Incentives, Leadership, Practitioner, Professor, Research, Researcher, Teaching Ethics
In Memory of Noel Boyland
Blog, News
Participate in a 5-minute global consultation survey on the evolution of corporate sustainability
Blog, Practitioner, Professor, Research, Teaching Ethics
Workplace Political Polarization
Corporate Culture, Human Rights, Personality & Personnel, Political Polarization, Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher
Seeking Corporate Ethics Trainers and College Ethics Instructors for Research Survey
Blog, Practitioner, Professor, Research, Teaching Ethics
Rethinking Ethics: A Vision for a New Framework Aligned with Human Nature
Blog, Cheating & Honesty, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Incentives
Making Business Ethics a Cumulative Science
BlogWhen businesses and researchers cooperate, collaborate and communicate, everyone wins. A new article in the premiere edition of Nature: Human Behavior by Ethical Systems founder Jonathan Haidt of NYU Stern and collaborator Linda Trevino of the University of Pennsylvania illustrate just how far deeper partnership can take the field of business ethics research and why that will help companies and people to flourish.
In their piece, entitled “Make Business Ethics a Cumulative Science” Haidt and Trevino outline the various factors that have impeded ties between the business and research communities. Some are due to the misalignment between operational models— academics depend on open access to information towards the goal of building on research and understanding, while businesses need to maintain tight control over information about their inner-workings and ethics— while others are based in the complexity of business ethics as a field.

Featured Collaborator of the Month: Nicholas Epley
Week That Was in Ethical Systems, 5/12/14-5/25/14