Tag Archive for: political polarization

Good vs. Good: Using Empathy and Effort to Grasp Opposing Views
Blog, Political Polarization, Positive Organizational Psychology, Psychological SafetyApproaching opposing views with empathy and effort can increase civility and understanding, leading to reduced tensions in the workplace.

Unveiling the Unobtrusive: The Rising Power of UICs in Culture Measurement
Blog, Corporate Culture, Corporate Culture Assessment, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Unobtrusive indicators of culture are providing new and growing data streams to assess company culture from the outside.
There are several ways a business might choose to measure its company culture. The fruits of most are confidential…

Workplace Political Polarization
Corporate Culture, Human Rights, Personality & Personnel, Political Polarization, Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher
Political polarization in the United States is increasing more rapidly than among other democratic-style governments (Brown University, 2020; Pew Research, 2014) and becoming more problematic in terms of workplace civility and productivity…

Ready or Risky? Assessing Organizational Preparedness for Political Polarization
Blog, Corporate Culture, Personality & Personnel, Speak-Up and Call-Out Culture
Organizations can mitigate workplace threats from political and social pressures by thinking ahead.
Is your organization prepared to face politically charged problems in the workplace as we enter the 2024 election cycle, or does it remain…