Tag Archive for: moral psychology

Democracy in the Next Cycle of History
Blog, Corporate Culture, Incentives, Podcast, Trust, Uncategorized
In this conversation with Long Now co-founders Stewart Brand and Kevin Kelly, Jonathan Haidt discusses the prospects for democracy in an age of spiraling polarization. He touches on technological optimism,…

The Moral Identity of an Organization Hinges on Leadership and Affects Everyone
Blog, Corporate Culture, Leadership, Personality & Personnel, Teaching Ethics
Our offices—or our Slack channels and Zoom meetings—are increasingly a forum for contentious discussions about political and social issues, and what a company’s stance should be.
One of the more interesting media shake-ups recently…

How do people change their minds about issues?
BlogHow do people change their minds about issues?
A respected colleague asked over lunch and it prompted me to write some thoughts down. Belief change and behavior change (page on that coming soon) can both be instrumental in ethical systems…