Tag Archive for: Ethical Systems

End of Year Letter, 2018, from Jon Haidt and Azish Filabi
The Ethics & Compliance Initiative Partners with Ethical Systems
NewsARLINGTON, VA, February 7th, 2018 – The Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), the nation’s oldest ethics research and best practice community, today announces a partnership with Ethical Systems, a research collaboration comprised of the nation’s leading scholars specializing in the study of ethical culture and behavior in organizations. As two respected thought leaders who share a common interest in advancing the highest standards of ethical behavior in organizations, this partnership will provide a platform for both parties to conduct joint research, to develop new metrics, and to expand their reach with new insights that will shape best practice in organizational ethics.
“This partnership has great promise to significantly enhance our understanding of the importance of ethics and culture in organizations,” said Patricia Harned, ECI’s CEO. “ECI is delighted to be able to work closely with the most highly regarded scholars in our industry, and we look forward to the collaboration that we know will benefit organizational leaders and students in higher education.

ECI Webcast Recording: New Behavioral Science Tools from Ethical Systems
BlogAzish Filabi (Executive Director of Ethical Systems) and Jeffrey Kaplan (ES collaboarator and Partner at Kaplan & Walker, LLP) recently led a webcast about ethics, research, and culture highlighting new behavioral science tools for the ethics and compliance field. The slides and recording are now available.

Featured Business Ethics and Compliance Expert: Azish Filabi
Interview with Azish Filabi, CEO of Ethical Systems
As the CEO of Ethical Systems, what keeps you motivated? Are you optimistic about the current state of business?
I am motivated every day by the opportunity to connect businesses with research and strategies that will make them more ethical and productive for the long term. We at Ethical Systems believe that good ethics is good business and our mission is to strengthen ethics within organizations by providing content, resources and tools by which to improve internal cultures and climates. It is rewarding to know that our organization is playing a needed role, and connecting with like-minded professionals.

Ethical Systems Design is the Red Pill for Reducing Inequality
BlogPart 2 of Jonathan Haidt's post on his recent talk at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Read Part 1 here.
A friend of Mark Twain once said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Rising inequality is similar. Many on the left urge policies that would redistribute wealth more effectively, such as raising the top marginal tax rates. Some on the right have begun talking about inequality, and they propose policies that would encourage entrepreneurialism among the poor and working class, such as clearing away licensing restrictions on hairdressers and other small businesses.
Yet given the politically charged nature of this debate, neither side is going to get a chance to try its policies unless it gets control of the Oval Office and both houses of Congress.
Aren’t there any new ideas out there? Isn’t there anything that both sides might support? How about…better business ethics, achieved with little or no new regulation? How about Ethical Systems Design?

Featured Collaborator for November: David Hirshleifer
Interview with David Hirshleifer, Professor of Finance and Merage Chair in Business Growth, University of California-Irvine
What are your main areas of research?
I do research in behavioral finance, economics, accounting, and social science more generally. My main focus in recent years has been on how social interactions affect behavior, and on the cultural transmission of beliefs and behavior.

Our first year
Featured Expert of the Month: Max Bazerman
City-Level Business Ethics