Tag Archive for: ECI

Featured Expert Pat Harned, CEO of the Ethics and Compliance Initiative
BlogFeatured Business Ethics and Leadership Expert Pat Harned, CEO of the Ethics and Compliance Initiative
For many years, ECI has been a leader in providing research, resources and communities of practice for business ethics leaders. What do you see on the horizon for the organization as it helps companies elevate their E&C programs?
It has been an honor for us to be able to work alongside some of the finest practitioners who are dedicated to establishing and maintaining a high standard of integrity in their organizations. We intend to continue providing these practitioners new insights from research, and new benchmarks on the drivers of ethical cultures. We will also be launching even more ways for professionals to exchange ideas and to advance best practice. ECI is also working with a group of practitioners to develop a maturity model of E&C programs, based on our recent Blue Ribbon Panel report on High Quality Ethics & Compliance Programs. Our expectation is that this new resource will help companies to further assess and improve their programs.

ECI Webcast Recording: New Behavioral Science Tools from Ethical Systems
BlogAzish Filabi (Executive Director of Ethical Systems) and Jeffrey Kaplan (ES collaboarator and Partner at Kaplan & Walker, LLP) recently led a webcast about ethics, research, and culture highlighting new behavioral science tools for the ethics and compliance field. The slides and recording are now available.