Tag Archive for: behavioral ethics

Overcoming Our Ethical Blindspots: A Conversation with Ann Tenbrunsel
Blog, Corporate Culture, Decision Making, Podcast
In this episode of the Leading Transformational Change podcast, host Tobias Sturesson speaks with Ethical Systems collaborator Ann Tenbrunsel about the pitfalls in corporate culture that make it easier to behave less ethically.

Do Honesty Pledges Work?
Blog, Cheating & Honesty
Honesty pledges often sound like a good idea, but whether they are in any given situation depends on various factors. Just ask Jim Comey.
In a recent paper, Eyal Pe’er, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Yuval…

It’s Time to Question Everything About Best-Practice Compliance
Blog, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Corporate Culture, Corruption, Internal ReportingA strong company culture of integrity isn’t just a nice thing to have.

It’s time for policy makers to enter the 21st century
BlogCan you imagine a world where marketers promoted products without knowledge of psychology and persuasion? Well, the equivalent is happening in policy making and international development- in fact it is the standard. Programs are created with…

(Un)Ethical Behavior in Organizations
BlogWouldn’t it be helpful if there was a review of some of the most influential, recent work on ethical behavior in organizations? Well Ethical Systems collaborator Linda Trevino and colleagues have provided just that with their excellent…

“Mind, Society and Behavior” and Ethical Systems Design
BlogDavid Brooks recently published an insightful piece (In Praise of Small Miracles) about “Mind, Society and Behavior,” a recent report issued by The World Bank on how behavioral economics can be applied to global development and global health.

Ethics Starts At The Top
BlogWhich matters more for creating an ethical organization: tone at the top, or tone in the middle? The answer is that it depends on when, exactly, you are talking about.
A recent study (Gächter, Renner, 2014) corroborates…

Teaching Behavioral Ethics across Disciplines
BlogTigran W. Eldred, Associate Professor of Law, New England Law | Boston
Almost a decade ago, shortly before I started law teaching, I worked as an appellate lawyer representing clients who had been convicted of serious crimes. In one case,…

How do people change their minds about issues?
BlogHow do people change their minds about issues?
A respected colleague asked over lunch and it prompted me to write some thoughts down. Belief change and behavior change (page on that coming soon) can both be instrumental in ethical systems…

The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See
Book Summaries, Leadership, Practitioner, Professor, ResearcherThe Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See
By Max H. Bazerman
Simon and Schuster (2014)
Summarized by Bryan Turner
What if you had the ability to make better decisions and all you had to do was to make slight adjustments…