Barnett, T. (1992). Will your employees blow the whistle? Personnel Administrator, July, 76-80.
Barnett, T. and Cochran, D. S. (1991) Making room for the whistleblower. Personnel Administrator, January, 58-62.
Newspapers and Magazines
Rolling Stone (Taibbi, Matt. November 20, 2014): The 9 Billion Witnesses
Handelsblatt (Doerner, A. July 9, 2014): Life Like A Thriller
Rachel Louise Ensign, Sides Taken in Upcoming U.S. Supreme Court Whistleblower Case, The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2013.
Rachel Louise Ensign, SEC Gives Whistleblower More Than $14 Million In Record Award, The Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2013.
Smith, G. (2012, March 14). Why I am Leaving Goldman Sachs. The New York Times.
The New York Times: Archive of whistle blowing articles