Leading With Values, University of Michigan-Ross School of Business, 2013
Course Syllabus, Leadership, Professor, Teaching Ethics
Download syllabus for Leading With Values, taught at University of Michigan-Ross School of Business in 2013 by Dave Mayer.
Designing a Good Life, University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 2015
Course Syllabus, Decision Making, Ethics Pays, Fairness, Professor, Teaching Ethics, Trust
Download syllabus for Designing a Good Life, taught at University of Chicago Booth's School of Business in 2015 by Nick Epley.
Values Based Leadership, Northwestern University-Kellogg School of Management, 2015
Corporate Culture, Course Syllabus, Leadership, Professor, Teaching Ethics
Download syllabus for Values Based Leadership, taught at Northwestern University-Kellogg School of Management in 2015 by Adam Waytz.
Ethical Leadership in the Global Economy, Boston University, 2016
Course Syllabus, Decision Making, Ethics Pays, Fairness, Professor, Teaching Ethics, Trust
Download syllabus for Ethical Leadership in the Global Economy, taught at Boston University in 2016 by Laura Pincus Hartman.
Professional Responsibility, NYU Stern, 2017
Contextual Influences, Course Syllabus, Decision Making, Professor, Teaching Ethics
Download syllabus for Professional Responsibility, taught at NYU-Stern in 2017 by Jonathan Haidt.
Head to Head: A conversation on behavioral science and ethics
E-Book, Leadership, Practitioner, Professor, Researcher, Teaching Ethics
Introducing Head to Head: A conversation on behavioral science and ethics, a new eBook created for anyone interested in improving the effectiveness of compliance and ethics (C&E) programs in organizations.
Cheating in College: Why Students Do It and What Educators Can Do About It
Book Summaries, Cheating & Honesty, Practitioner, Professor, Researcher, Teaching EthicsCheating in College: Why Students Do It and What Educators Can Do About It
by: Donald L. McCabe, Kenneth D. Butterfield, and Linda K. Treviño
John Hopkins University Press (2012) Public Library
Summarized by Jared Wolf
From one-room…
Managing Business Ethics
Book Summaries, Cheating & Honesty, Compliance & Ethics Programs, Practitioner, Professor, Researcher, Teaching EthicsManaging Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right
by Linda K. Treviño and Katherine A. Nelson
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 5th ed. (2011) (public library)
Summarized by David Newman
Treviño and Nelson present…
Teaching Ethics
Practitioner, Professor, Research Summaries, Researcher, Teaching Ethics
After each major business scandal, a chorus of voices calls for business schools to work harder to instill ethics into their students. But what exactly should they doOn this page we focus on what business schools can do that may lead to…