I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University in Milan. Prior to my appointment at Bocconi, I was on the faculty of the London Business School, where I was responsible for the core ethics course for every incoming MBA and EMBA student.
My Approach to Ethical Systems:
My research focuses on how organizations facilitate morally problematic behavior, and how to build ethically resilient individuals and contexts. I also serve as an Academic Fellow of the Ethics and Compliance Initiative, and sit on the UK’s Banking Standards Board Assessment Steering Committee.
My work has been featured in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fast Company, as well as on NPR, the CBC, and the BBC. I have consulted with and designed courses for several organizations on integrity in business, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (London, UK), the National Health Service (UK), the International Anti-Corruption Academy (Vienna, Austria), and the Brookings Institute (Washington, DC).
My Relevant Publications:
- Derfler-Rozin, R., Moore, C., & Staats, B. (in press). Reducing rule breaking through task variety: How task design supports deliberative thinking. Organization Science.
- Stuart, H. C., & Moore, C. (in press). Shady characters: The implications of illicit organizational roles for resilient team performance. Academy of Management Journal.
- Moore, C.*, & Pierce, L*. (2016). Reactance to transgressors: Why authorities deliver harsher penalties when the social context elicits expectations of leniency. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(550), 1-17.
- Moore, C. (2015). Moral disengagement. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 199-204.
- Moore, C., & Gino F. (2015) Approach, ability, aftermath: A psychological process model to understand unethical behavior at work. Academy of Management Annals, 9, 235-289. 10/2016 Celia Moore 2
- Oç, B., Bashshur, M., & Moore, C. (2015). Speaking truth to power: The effect of candid feedback on how individuals with power allocate resources. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 450-463.
- Moore, C., & Tenbrunsel, A. E. (2014). Just think about it? Cognitive complexity and moral choice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 138-149.
- Weber, J. M. & Moore, C. (2014). Squires: Key followers and the social facilitation of charismatic leadership. Organizational Psychology Review, 4, 199-227.
- Moore, C., & Gino, F. (2013). Ethically adrift: How others pull our moral compass from True North, and how we can fix it. Research in Organizational Behavior, 33, 53-77.
- Ruedy, N., Moore, C., Gino, F., & Schweitzer, M. (2013). Cheater’s high? The unexpected affective benefits of unethical behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 531- 548.
- Moore, C., Detert, J. R., Treviño, L. K., Baker, V. L., & Mayer, D. M. (2012). Why employees do bad things: Moral disengagement and unethical organizational behavior. Personnel Psychology, 65, 1-48.
- Moore, C. (2008). Moral disengagement in processes of organizational corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 80(1), 129-139.
- Tharenou, P., Saks, A., & Moore, C. (2007). A review and critique of research on training and organizational-level outcomes. Human Resource Management Review, 17(3), 251-273.
- Berdahl, J., & Moore, C. (2006). Workplace harassment: Double jeopardy for minority women. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 426-436.
- Latham, G., Almost, J., Mann, S., & Moore, C. (2005). New developments in performance management. Organizational Dynamics, 33(1), 77-87.